Dragon Group workers assaulted by company thugs! Stop union busting and repression!
Since March 2020 thousands of textile workers of the factories Dragon Sweater and Imperial Sweater (both belonging to Dragon Group) ...
Since March 2020 thousands of textile workers of the factories Dragon Sweater and Imperial Sweater (both belonging to Dragon Group) ...
Many actions took place across the globe as part of ICL’s month of action in solidarity with workers dismissed in ...
It is often said that when capitalism knows no borders, the struggle must be international. That could also be said ...
The ICL encourages contact between textile unions and horizontal cooperation, thus promoting the model of revolutionary trade unionism. After the ...
The Dabindu Collective, after touring across Europe (where they visited France, Germany and Spain), organized this meeting of unions in ...
As the Young Workers Association, we were at the crisis rally in Bakırköy with our slogans, black flags and rebellion. ...
Introduction Fellow workers: greetings! To mark the 1st anniversary of the foundation of the International Confederation of Labor, we are ...
Long live the workers’ struggle! The sections of the International Confederation of Labour have held rallies and demos to mark ...
Cheers and applause greeted the international trade union confederation ILC that was founded in Parma, Italy, on 13 May 2018. ...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.