Nearly three thousand CNT members, sympathisers and members of other trade unions took to the streets on 10 July in Gijon (Asturias, northern Spain) to protest against the recent court ruling ( sentencing members of the local CNT branch to ridiculous fines and prison terms for their role in defending the rights of a fellow worker.
Under the slogans “Acquit CNT Xixon” and “Acquit the sentenced fighters”, the demonstrators walked through the streets of the city and filled them with red and black flags and anarchist songs. Some of the women sentenced in the ruling closed the rally stating that they felt extremely encouraged by the huge turn-out and by the many messages of support that they had received.
CNT has already appealed the ruling and vows to reach the highest tribunals if necessary to overturn it. The union has also stressed that a rally like this is proof that this issue is a social concern and thanked the local and international solidarity received.
Solidarity messages can be sent to Alba, the spokeswoman for the campaign can also be reached at 0034 670 669 104.
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