Rallies and actions in solidarity with the Burmese people resisting the country’s army takeover and the military Junta were held in different cities as part of the ongoing #BloodMoneyCampaign.
The campaign targets international companies that continue to do business in the country, hence profiting from the reign of terror and union repression that the army goons have imposed on the people.
Let’s not forget that the murderous crackdown on protesters has caused hundreds of deaths and that many thousands more have been arrested or are in hiding.
Unashamedly, many international companies continue making money in the country, despite (or maybe thanks to) the bloody repression of unions, workers and the people in general.
Blood Money indeed!
Actions have taken place in cities like Hamburg (Germany), Warsaw (Poland), Derry (Northern Ireland) and Iruña (Spain). Find below images of the rallies, together with an audio message from one of our comrades in Myanmar.

Warsaw (Poland)
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