In view of the positions that emerged from “Non una di Meno” to renounce the day of productive strike (not the mobilizations expressed in various forms on 8 and 9 March) following the ban imposed by the government, as Unione Sindacale Italiana we withdraw the proclamation of the strike on 9 March.
We confirm our union’s commitment to all those motivations behind the strike itself and our participation in all the initiatives and mobilizations that will take place on 8 and 9 March, for the claim of all women’s rights, against all forms of oppression and gender-based violence and against all discrimination against all those who escape the rigid, heteronormed vision of society.
We will participate in the mobilizations in Italy and in the various parts of the world where it is possible through the CIT, an international trade union association in which we participate.
We also want to denounce all the blatant instrumentalism, accompanied by a campaign to spread panic, from the government, which is taking advantage of the situation to hit the basic right to strike, at the same time as it’s letting loose the reins to the employers in cutting the rights of workers with impunity, as it’s doing in several companies.
We also want to denounce how, above all, the weaker strata, the precarious workers, with atypical contracts, the employees of cooperatives, suspended by authority from work due to the emergency, without precise guarantees in the loss of income, are paying the consequences of this situation of alarm.
We will find suitable ways and methods to give concrete answers to these repressive acts against the working class which are linked to the same “decrees of the so-called security”, in reality forms of heavy repression which pass from one government to another.
Unione Sindacale Italiana – CIT
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