International Confederation of Labour concludes its 2nd Congress in Hannover

The ICL concludes the last session of its highest decision-making body, its congress, leaving a stronger and more cohesive organisation.

At this meeting, the international sections federated in the ICL have discussed various issues at length, from the future of the international and its expansion to other parts of the world, to the support for projects in conflict zones such as Rojava and aid for precarious workers in Myanmar.

The congress, organised in Hannover by the local union FAU in a natural setting, went according to plan, while comradeship and respect between the different sections prevailed. With the help of translators, we dealt with the items on the agenda in English and Spanish, having in-depth discussions and reaching resolutions until the next congress in 5 years.

Changes are made within the rotation as foreseen by the internal estatutes. USI gives way to CNT to be in charge of the treasury for the next 5 years and IWWW-NARA, current secretariat, will give way, within a year, to USI in the presidency of the international confederation.

In addition, yesterday, together with the observers, an enriching informal session was held on the future and current work of the ICL, together with various discussions of the sections including how each section functions, branches with more strength, the internal structures of each union and the defence of the rights of transgender people, against racism and sexism.

This congress shows the maturity of the different unions. All the debates have been enriching and have brought together different realities between Europe and America. For example, comrades from FORA, the Argentinean anarchosyndicalist union, explained the bad working conditions they have there. From Poland, the IP gave us an account of the labour legislation they suffer under and the ESE, from Greece, the shortcomings and difficulties they have in their union and in their solidarity with migrants and refugees.

Once again, it is demonstrated that one of the pillars of the International Labour Confederation is solidarity and mutual aid. That is why we have responded decisively when international help has been requested from our sections, such as the conflict of “La Suiza” in Spain, or from unions that do not belong to the ICL, such us for our support for the strikes in Myanmar, as we understand that we should not only support the struggles of the sections belonging to the ICL and that solidarity must be universal between related organisations.

Finally, the outgoing secretary of the IWW-NARA closed the congress, thanking all the sections for their attendance, encouraging them to start working on the resolutions taken and wishing for continued growth within the sections, with the conviction that internationalism is essential for the effectiveness of our struggles as a class.

Participating organisations:

CNT, Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, Spain | ESE, Eleftheriakí Syndikalistikí Énosi, Greece | FAU, Freie Arbeiter*innen Union, Germany | FORA, Federación Obrera Regional Argentina | IP, Inicjatywa Pracownicza, Poland | IWW-NARA, Industrial Workers of the World | USI, Unione Sindacale Italiana, Italy

Observer organisations:

CNT-F, Confédération nationale du travail, France | Riders x Derechos, Spain | Vrije Bond, Netherlands


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