Workers at COSCO, in the port of Piraeus, are on strike to improve their working conditions.
The deplorable working conditions imposed by the company, with the non-existent safety measures at the port and the double shifts, led to the death of the worker Dimitris Daglis, in October 2021.
After the murder for the sake of the company’s profits, the workers went on strike and managed to have some of their demands met. The state and Cosco bosses are once again trying to terrorize the workers. The courts of Piraeus declared the strike illegal five days before it had started, at the request of the employer. These summary procedures clearly show the good cooperation of the state, judges and bosses. It is characteristic of how quickly the judicial authorities work to suppress and outlaw strikes, while in the case of rape, murder and financial scandals, they delay, obstruct, and lose evidence. In fact, they do not hesitate to send riot cops, coast guard forces together with henchmen at three in the morning to intimidate and terrorize the workers.
This state mechanism that reacts instantly to suppress workers’ demands at the same time shifts the responsibility onto the citizens during fires, floods, snow and earthquakes. But the workers resist and unite in their struggle because they know the strength that their determination and unity give them. We are with the COSCO workers. Their struggle is also our struggle.
Employees demands:
- Sign collective labor agreement that will cover all employees
- Implementation of the law on heavy and unhealthy working condition benefits
- Re-employment of all contractor workers whose contracts have not been renewed
- Permanent and stable job for everyone.
Libertarian Syndicalist Union (EΣE) Rethymno

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