On August 27th, the protesting Dragon Sweater garment workers held a meeting to decide on the next steps for their ongoing movement for the payment of their wages and benefits. Since the negotiations are not proceeding and the owners are making no concessions, they decided to take to the streets again in future dates, to be decided.
They also demonstrated their solidarity with the labour unions and organizations of the International Confederation of Labour and the Global May Day initiative who have been tirelessly demonstrating in support in Ireland, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and other areas. The workers in Bangladesh are immensely thankful to all their friends abroad who have played their role in holding global brands and garment owners accountable.
As the workers chanted in their protest (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbgML6R1fcs), workers of the world, unite and fight! The struggle continues with the month of action running until the 15th of September.
For more information or to coordinate actions, you can email asia@icl-cit.org.

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