From the CNT labor union we want to express our condolences to the victim’s families and relatives of the Melilla massacre.
We require that the bodies of all the victims will be identified; their families will be noticed about their lost, as the circumstances of their deads, and their bodies will be returned to their relatives in their hometowns to rest in peace. All these costs must be in charge of Spanish and Moroccans government.
Also, we insist to open an independent research to discover exactly the facts doing autopsies by independent doctors. All these autopsies must be done to each victim, because of the violence of their deads. By the same way we demand the immediately resignation of the Home Secretaries of both countries as responsible of that forty five dead people.
The very indefiniteness of the figures that are shown insist on the intensity of the crime and the attempts to cover the truth, because some report resources exposed that the number of the victims were forty five, while the Moroccian police in first term only accept five victims, then eighteen, and at last twenty three. It’s an evidence that these numbers of the Moroccan police are false. For that reason the credibility and reliability of the Moroccan police it’s questionable because they tried to cover the evidences of the massacre with the complicity of the Spanish government: just buried the corpses quickly, without identification nor autopsies and deportin testimonials of the massacre, the only people who can show the truth.
And what we can say about the statements of the President of the Spanish Government, and how he congratulates the Moroccan police while they had several dying people, without medical attention and hiting them while even they cannot move. These physical abuses and the omission of the duty to aid were the causes of the deaths that the government should be condemned.
That’s crimes should be judged without never forgetting the cruelty and treachery of the facts of the action by Moroccan police.
The frontier politics of the European Union and Moroccan Government and the own existence of this frontier, it’s inoperative and inadmissible, in front of the increased inequalities caused by the capitalism and the migration movements from the areas plundered from it and aggravated by the current climate crisis.The CNT defends and always will defend the right of the free movement and migration to improve their material conditions of life. Also we defend the right to not be forced to migrate, in other words, all human beings will have a decent living conditions, in their hometowns, to not be forced to migrate if it’s not their will.
For that reason the anarco-syndicalists regrets the existence of frontiers, we defend the right of equality and the freedom movement, also we fight for the wealth and work distribution that not expel the people of their hometowns.
The looting by multinational enterprises and climate crisis are hitting Africa, causing millions of people’s runaway of their hometown. The current war in Ukraine not only increases the food prices in Europe, but it is creating, together with global warming, worldwide famines.
The climate refugees must be recognized as their are and Spain have to cumply, once and for all, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that is flagrantly breacking in its articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 28.
We condemned the vulnerability of the Right of Asylum by the Spanish Government attending to racist criteria. We reject the criminalization that Pedro Sánchez pretends to do of the victims, adopting the language and the conceptual framework of the extreme right-wing talking about “attacks on the territorial integrity”. African workers are not invading, they run away because of wars and demand asylum as it is written in the International Law.
They jump the wall because the European Union and Spanish Government are breaking international pacts and they do it to avoid die of hunger, because the Moroccan police forbidden to sell food to the black people.
For a Word without States, nor frontiers, we require responsibilities about the massacre in Melilla, for a mobilization sustained together over time, encouraging African comrades to contact the CNT-CIT or directly with the International Confederation of Labor to coordinate us in this fight.
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