There are an unprecedented number of uprisings related to the Black Lives Matter movement currently occurring throughout the United States. The Industrial Workers of the World was founded on a commitment to racial justice in 1905, and the...
The Federation of Garment Workers Union-Myanmar (FGWM) is a very militant federation of grassroots and class unions that brings together thousands of workers in the garment industry in Myanmar. The International Confederation of Labour (ICL) met their delegates...
On March 20 we took part in a teleconference with Amazon. The company presented to us its proposal of a bonus of 4 złoty before taxes (0.61 euro net) for every hour worked between March 15 and April 30....
From the FORA health workers: First of all, we need to be aware that, in Argentina, Coronavirus is not the only pandemic we’re going through: the number of cases of dengue have tripled since 2019 and there is...
The statement below is from the independent group Trabajadorxs Organizadxs de Casas Particulares (Organised Workers in Private Homes). One of our FORA comrades is also involved with it. The group seeks to rid the sector of patriarchy and...
It is often said that when capitalism knows no borders, the struggle must be international. That could also be said of the state. Certainly, states have borders. But their role repressing the working class and implementing capitalist friendly...
In view of the positions that emerged from “Non una di Meno” to renounce the day of productive strike (not the mobilizations expressed in various forms on 8 and 9 March) following the ban imposed by the government,...
CNT calls to resist all forms of patriarchy, in the streets and in the workplace On this 8M, International Working Women’s Day, the National Confederation of Labour (CNT) calls for all forces to be joined around the fight...
The international solidarity of women is encouraging us, giving us strength. This solidarity crossing the borders, prove one more time that, no matter where we are, nothing can keep us away from our freedom. The war conditions of...
The ICL encourages contact between textile unions and horizontal cooperation, thus promoting the model of revolutionary trade unionism. After the first day of the International Conference of Labour Unions in the Garment Industry, where the trade unions introduced...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.