The International Confederation of Labour and its member sections endorse and support the demonstration called in Athens for the 30th of November 2019 by our Greek section, ESE, together with a large number of grassroots unions. We therefore...
Imagen: Masha Gladkova The exceptional social climate going on in Catalonia at the moment is unprecedented in its recent history. Throughout the week, mobilisations against the sentence (of the organisers of the referendum on self-determination two years ago)...
25 october 2019, USI-CIT calls for general strike: For the increase of wages. For a reduction of working time with same salary. Against precarious contracts and for the unification of category contracts. For environment rehabilitation and defense. For...
October, 14, 2019 There’s a problem in Catalonia. You don’t need to be a genius to notice. We won’t analyse its causes here, nor make a political statement in favour of either side. There are different points of...
Real changes in climate policy can only be achieved through economic pressure. The strike is the right way to achieve this. That is why the FAU Berlin supports the Global Strike on 20 September 2019. Climate change is...
And not just one, but two! In ICL, all decisions are taken by individual members in the local branches of the sections, in a bottom-up decision-making process, respectful of the internal mechanisms of each local organisation. Also, final...
In June 2019, the definite results of the first ever referendum held among ICL’s sections were published. What are referendums in ICL? The International Confederation of Labour (ICL) has a decentralised and very flexible structure. To encourage and...
Introduction Fellow workers: greetings! To mark the 1st anniversary of the foundation of the International Confederation of Labor, we are presenting this report to all of the sections about everything that we have accomplished up to this point,...
For a 1st May for fighting and self management. For a widespread reduction of working time with same salary and reduction of working life. AGAINST Every non-essential form of work on the day of 1st May and on...
North American Regional Administration of the IWW hopes to coordinate future general strike to end patriarchal oppression CHICAGO — Today, on International Women’s Day, the Industrial Workers of the World stand in solidarity with our sister unions of...
The ICL brings together a number of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions from around the world. It is born out of their desire for closer collaboration and to add an international dimension to their local work, which will allow them to coordinate with comrades around the world and make their struggles visible to a global audience.