28/09/2024 International Day of Action in Solidarity with the 6 from La Suiza

ICL calls for an International Day of Action on September 28th as 6 syndicalists may be sent to prison

In solidarity with our fellow workers repressed in the town of Gijon, Asturies, northern Spain, for standing for their labour rights and faced with their possible imprisonments, the International Confederation of Labour calls for an international day of action on September 28th.

We have already reported on previous occasions on the events leading to this situation and the conflict background. More information can be found here (https://www.iclcit.org/the-supreme-court-rejects-the-cnt-appeal-and-sentences-prison-to-the-6-union-members-of-la-suiza/) and here (https://www.iclcit.org/solidarity-with-cnt-xixon/). This sentence  is now final and cannot be appealed, which means they can be sent to jail at any time.

Considering how worrying these developments are, our sections in several countries are preparing different initiatives to protest the situation, and it has been agreed to call for an international day of action to coincide with the massive demonstration that has been called in Gijon for September 28th.

Let’s show the comrades that they are not alone! Call events and organise in your area and join the campaign to stop them from being imprisoned! Syndicalism is not a crime! Stand everywhere for workers’ rights!

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